• eggs
• 40g sugar
• 5og butter
• milk
• 150g self raising flour
• 100g chocolate drops
• Start by putting 50g of butter, 40g of sugar, 100ml of milk and a drop of vanilla essence in a bowl. Add in an egg, and get mixing!
• Prepare the next ingredients in a different bowl. You need 150g of sieved self raising flour and a pinch of salt.
• Add to the mixture and start to fold. Do this by going around and down.
• Now add in 100g of chocolate drops and give the mixture a good stir.
• When you're happy with the mixture, you can start to fill some muffin cases.
• Half fill each muffin case, and then add in a secret message wrapped in foil.
• The foil will prevent the messages from going soggy and to stop them from being accidentally eaten!
• Cover up the message with more of the mixtur!
• The amounts we used will make six normal sized muffins. When you've filled up each of the muffin cases, pop into the oven for 30 minutes on Gas Mark 6, or 200 degrees celsius.
• When the muffins have baked and cooled down, pop some icing on the top.
• And complete the mystic effect by adding on a question mark with some coloured piping icing.
-Recipe made officially by © The Foundation TV Productions Ltd-